When Apple introduced AirPods last year, it became a butt of jokes. However, over the past months, this audio accessory has been gaining popularity and pushing the company to do more in this segment. Just earlier this year, Apple already started shipping HomePod. As per KGI analyst Ming-Chi Kuo , who boasts of an impressive track record when it comes to Apple-related news, the company is planning to release Apple-branded over-ear headphones. It’s worth noting that the company already owns headphone company Beats, which it bought for $3 billion in 2014. It won’t be wrong to assume that Apple will continue to push wireless audio and focus on the convenience of a world without wires. Even though Apple owns Beats, we should expect a different sound experience. While Beats delivers bass-heavy performance, Apple’s headphone could be focused on balancing sound quality. It’ll also be interesting to note what kind of chip Apple puts in its headphones. The company already makes use ...
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